Friday, February 11, 2011


My top 10 pet-peaves for the day 

1. People who turn into your lane (in front of you) driving 10 miles below the speed limit.
2. Arriving 20 minutes late to a meeting, to find that everyone has left already (after informing them that you will be 20 minutes late)
3. The word pet-peave (I dont know how to spell it nor do I understand its meaning)
4. When you "like" someones facebook status and then you get 20 million notifications that other people either like it as well or have commented on it.
5. People singing to themselves in the library with headphones on stupidly assuming noone can hear them ( WE ALL HEAR YOU AND YOU NEED SOME WORK)
6. Hitting a red light, because you know that you will have at least 6 more on the way to your destination.
7. Group Projects (so retarded)
8. People who let their phone ring on loud in public places (especially with songs as the ring tone- SILENCE IT if your not going to answer it)
9. Police that wait in between speed limit signs- just to catch people "slowing down" but still going to fast
10. When somebody calls you - you call them right back (within seconds) and they don't answer ( WE ALL KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE ON YOU . YOU JUST CALLED)

well now I feel a wee bit bettter..

check ya laterrr

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