Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jeans Dont Lie- People Do

So this goes out to all the girls that may read this:

You know when you are having one those days when it seems like your jeans just dont fit! Your first thoughts are my jeans must have shrunk in the dryer. Your second thought is "oh, these must be __(insert your skinniest friends name)__ jeans, she must have left them here by mistake.  Your thought hits a little closer to reality, " I guess I should havent treated myself to an all night fast food binge with pizza and beer, even though it was light beer".
If your like me your last thought is probably " DAMN IT I NEED TO LOOSE WEIGHT "

regardless of what we are thinking someone will try and talk you out of it with the use of a "white lie", a simple lie told to spare our feelings. It could be from your mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, fiance, husband, son or daughter- it doesnt matter.

I gave birth 8 weeks ago to a beautiful baby boy.. and while I loved bringing him into this world, the pregnancy destroyed my body. I was 115 pounds when the stick turned positive, and 9 months later I was 58 pounds bigger and alot wider. 8 weeks later (current time) my strech marked stomach (UGHHH) is actually kind of flat, however my hips are like 3x wider than they ever were before... okay so enough with my rambeling-
here is my problem -

my legs are skinny and my stomach is somewhat flat but my hips are as wide as texas.
My maternity jeans are too baggy to wear but are snug to my hips, and my pre-preggo jeans fit my legs nice but dont even come close to buttoning...

So I start my hunt for some new jeans- I was really excited to go shopping for some new clothes, so I could chill out with my sweats and maternity pants..
So basically 7 stores and about a million different sizes and styles of jeans later- NOT 1 PAIR FIT ME !!!! the ones that fit my hips were so bagging on my legs and the ones that fit my legs barely made it over my love handles.
SO I left the mall empty handed and discouraged.

everyone from my fiance to my mother told me - " kate you JUST HAD A BABY , and you look fantastic, just give it a little while longer " (HERE IS THE PEOPLE LIE PART) yes I agree that I do look okay (kinda good) for just having babY, BUT COME ON its been 8 weeks and these hips are not shrinking any time soon, so I will suck it up and where jeggings and yoga pants..

Lets face it ladies sometimes we have to accept that our bodies change, and I have accepted that Ima bigger girl now and Im okay with it... I just wish people could be as honest as our jeans...

- thanks for listening (if anyone is out there)

ps.. dont throw away your old jeans - give yourself a goal- even if you never reach it, its fun looking forward to something...

<3 Jeans don't lie , people do.

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