Monday, February 14, 2011

My Mommy Mistake

I know that every new parent has to learn the ropes when it comes to taking care of a newborn. I am also aware that mistakes happen , and there are those forgivable "UH OH" moments, when your like OH MY F**KN god what just happened.

I was naive to think that I would not go through a moment like that, and terrified when I did.

- This morning started out like usual, I enjoyed my routine with my baby like I always do.
We were up since 6, and he had 2 bottles by 12. We played and danced around and watched some television (he loves watching tv). .

When I rocked him to sleep in my arms, I put him in his crib, so I could make some bottles for the day.
Lately he has enjoyed sleeping on stomach, so I put him on his stomach. 

I went inside into the kitchen to fix some bottles (my first mistake)
When I went inside, I noticed the front door was open, and noone was home. This scared me, so I spent about a minute walking around to make sure there wasnt a person hiding trying to kill me.. 
When the coast was clear , and I found out that my mother-in-law-to-be accidently left it unlocked and the wind blew it open  I continued to make some bottles..

I was in the house for all of about 5 minutes or so.

When I went back into the room to check on my son, I found myself in a panic and then experienced the scariest moment of my life..

- My 2 month old son had wiggled his way to the other end of the crib and was face down , panting and gasping for air.
I immediatley picked him and held him upright- He was breathing very short deep breathes, and was trying to cry. I immediatley started balling my eyes out and walking around with him.. to try and calm him down.
- He started making noise after a few seconds of being up..

It only took about a minute or so to calm him down but it felt like an hour- I cryed for an extra 2 hours considering all the possibilities of what could have happened. What if is stayed in the house longer?

I have had a moment to calm myself down. 
and I have thought through the mistakes I made and learned a lesson

NEVER EVER leave your baby unattended - especially if he or she is on their stomach... 
and never underestimate your childs abilities..

 Today was the scariest day of my life- I thought I that I almost killed or severly damaged my son - 

He is fine and okay and I experienced my first mommy mistake. 
and while it may traumatize me more than him for a while , I have learned what not do in the future...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My very weird but rational question ?

Im curious -

Pictures this - allow me to set the scene
Two sets of identical twins. TWIN GIRL 1 and TWIN GIRL 2 
Two sets of identical twins. Twin Boy 1 and Twin Boy 2

Twin Girl 1 meets Twin Boy 1 - they fall in love and introduce their siblings to one and other
Twin Girl 2 meets Twin Boy 2 - and they happen to also fall in love :) how romantic

- Scene
(first of all this is weird)

Twin Gril 1 makes baby with Twin Boy 1 = BABY 1
Twin Girl 2 makes baby with Twin Boy 2= BaBY 2

my question =

Do Baby 1 and Baby 2 look like twins ??????? and share nearly identical DNA

- DONT ASK ME WHERE I COME UP WITH THIS STUFF- because I just dont know...  It was just something I thought about it today..

Friday, February 11, 2011


My top 10 pet-peaves for the day 

1. People who turn into your lane (in front of you) driving 10 miles below the speed limit.
2. Arriving 20 minutes late to a meeting, to find that everyone has left already (after informing them that you will be 20 minutes late)
3. The word pet-peave (I dont know how to spell it nor do I understand its meaning)
4. When you "like" someones facebook status and then you get 20 million notifications that other people either like it as well or have commented on it.
5. People singing to themselves in the library with headphones on stupidly assuming noone can hear them ( WE ALL HEAR YOU AND YOU NEED SOME WORK)
6. Hitting a red light, because you know that you will have at least 6 more on the way to your destination.
7. Group Projects (so retarded)
8. People who let their phone ring on loud in public places (especially with songs as the ring tone- SILENCE IT if your not going to answer it)
9. Police that wait in between speed limit signs- just to catch people "slowing down" but still going to fast
10. When somebody calls you - you call them right back (within seconds) and they don't answer ( WE ALL KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE ON YOU . YOU JUST CALLED)

well now I feel a wee bit bettter..

check ya laterrr

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Relaxation Station

They are not lying when they said having a baby changes everything.
I realized this as soon as they test turned positive, and during my 9 months of pregnancy, I mentally and physically prepared for our new edition. I knew right then, that every decision I made from that point on would not only affect me, but my unborn child.

Bringing my son (carson) into this world has been a true blessing! He is so full of love and is so happy most of the time. He has had some issues since being born though, and we have been in and out of the pediatricians office and the childrens hospital quite a few times.. BUT REST ASSURE HE IS FINE !!

Anyone with a new baby understands the sleepless nights, restless days and lack of alone time.. I used to enjoy staying up all night studying or going out (depedent on the season and day of the week) and sleeping whenever I felt like it. I could come and go as I pleased and really enjoyed my alone time (whether it was working out, studying, tanning, going for a walk or simply sitting outside) .
Well obviously things are different now and I am not complaining at all !
However now I do enjoy my 15-20 minute drive to and from school, seeing as that is the only me time I truely have..

Today, however i drove to the tanning bed and tanned for about 15 minutes... As  I laid in the bed, I fell asleep and felt so relaxed. .. The buzzer went off and I am not going to lie to anyone - I STAYED PUT FOR A SOLID EXTRA 10 MINUTES hahah , hey man you gotta take your time when your parked at RELAXATION STATION . haha

So my advice to others and to myself - when you get the opportunity to take sometime for yourself, do it ! After 20 minutes of absolute alone time (granted i was naked, in a bed that eventually turned cold) I feel like a whole new person !

<3 you have to find time in a daily routine to help yourself out.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

From yelling to crying to laughter

Every couple fights and that is definitely no secret. and everyone has bad days...

I know that I am not always the funnest person to be around, or the nicest but hey at least I can admit it. When I am tired (exhausted) I can be a really big Bi*ch and okay.. I also know that I dont light my own fuse, something has to happen to set thats me of..

I mean It is hard being a full time student, part time worker, full time mother, daughter, sister, wife-to- be ect... I try not to complain but sometimes the burden of reality sucks and I cant help but to talk about it. 

If you read my blog, you will see that I did not blog yesterday and that is because I had a busy morning and than a no-good-very-bad night ! 
My morning started off wonderful, my little man was perky and alert and let me sleep a little bit longer than usual. He was fine all morning at the house but of course when I took him to the doctor with me, my doctor ran 45 minutes late and my son of course - cried his eyes out, pooped through his outfit- and than laughed it off.. I took him into the bathroom to change him, and OF COURSE NO CHANGING TABLE - luckily I brought 2 blankets and laid one down. he thought it was the funniest thing in the world and not gonna lie , him laughing while I got his poop all over me made me smile .... ( Im No really it did)

SO I took my little bugger back into the lobby, stinking like poop (me not him) and decided it was time to relieve himself somemore, and threw up on my shirt... Hahaha I cant make this stuff up !!! I of course started laughing nervously as everyone (all 15 people) were staring at me and some old ladies starting pointing. One lady even came up to me and said "dear, I think you should look into this" while handing me a form about low-income single mothers support groups. !!!  I could not believe it haha ,, first of alll, what makes me look low-income and second of all I was wearing an engagement ring.... 
Some people are just kinda retarded sometimes, but I laughed it off and asked to see a nurse practitioner.. .. of course when we got into the office to see the NP my little rugrat settled down and fell asleep haha as soon as we were away from everyone else haha...

Anyways, than I came home and he played in his new little play pen hitting the elephants and tigers that were swinging down... my exhaustion kicked in...

here is where ww3 started between my hubster and me - 
Apparently since having a baby and going back to school full time, loosing most all of my friends and sleeptime - I have lost my sense of humor completely....
My fiance came home from work and obviously he was exhausted too, he started joking around with me about me and some other stupid stuff and me being tired and irritable took him seriously.... 
anyways bickering turned to fighting and fighting turned to yelling and yelling turned to crying... I always cry, haha I dont know why...
but than CRYING TURNED TO LAUGHING... once we finally sat down to talk about what was going on with us, the tears in my eyes stopped and I couldnt stop laughing.... neither could he..

We could not figure out for the life of us, what we were fighting about....
- we talked through our issues and now we are fine , but I still dont remember what stated the fight or kept it going...

Whenever I  am feeling down I listen to music... and the song I listened to yesterday to get me through the yellling, fighting, crying and laughing was TAYLOR SWIFT- "the story of us "this is looking like a contest, of who can act like they care less but I liked it better when you were on myside.. The battle's in your hands now but I would lay my armor down if you said you'd rather love than fight.."  (the verse that made it to my facebook status because of course I do the typical thing and share my drama on the average social networking sites) 

I know I can be insecure (and im pretty sure that fueled the fire) but I dont know... Sometiems I wish I could have cameras following me around just so I know whats going on half the time in my own life....  

- anyways today is a new day  - and so far a good one..

check back later

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Its just another Manic Monday"

Good Morning world !!

 Today is Monday, which could be either the best day of the week or the worst, in my opinion. This all depends on what you make it. For most people, waking up monday morning means embracing a heavy work load and stress and than realizing there is 5 whole days before another weekend...

For me, most of my mondays are planning days. I plan out what I have going on that week and what I need to do get everything done.

before I get into my "manic monday" I would love to relfect on superbowl sunday !!
-first things first - the National Anthem- I feel kind of bad that everyone is giving Christina Aguilara such heat for butchering the words but I mean reallly .... I think that if I were going out there in front of a billlion people to sing THE MOST PATRIOTIC SONG FOR AMERICA- I would make sure I knew the words.... anyways...

So before and during the game we were all running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get food ready and my son settled in for the big game. Needless to say the BBQ didnt cook all the way, My fiance pretty much missed the game because he was "manning the grill", my son was a fussy litttle monster, He threw up on my shirt, and the steelers lost .. .

BUT I ATE A TON OF PASTA SALAD . . . . drank some delicious blackberry wine and enjoyed parts of the game. . . I didnt really get to watch the commercials but I was informed they were funny. ..  especially the doritos . .

The Steelers did well but not as good as they should have. The first half was a clear win to the Packers, and while the Steelers came back in the 2nd, they couldnt pull it together for the title. It was by far one of the most stressful 2 minute warnings I had ever been apart of.  Im not going to dwell on it - see ya next year footballl.

I got a lot to get done today and dont have time to finish this blog , but there will be a part 2 ..


Sunday, February 6, 2011

SUPERBOWL SUNDAY !! marrying into a team

Today is SUPERBOWL SUNADY - the game: the Steelers vs the Packers-

 It's funny because I have never really followed football until recently. I was born in Boston but have lived in Virginia Beach my whole life, and we dont have a team here. My whole family lives in Boston, MA so I was pretty much raised a Patriots fan !!!

I can remember the first superbowl I ever really got into was in 7th grade, when the patriots went (I dont remember who they played) but I thought I was so cool and knew soo much so I bet friend Julius 15 dollars that the PATRIOTS were going to win... first of all noone thought they were going to and I was just making a bet from hope , trying to supper NEW ENGLAND. ANYWAYS.. they WON !!  yayy it was awesome, the next day in class, my friend Julius held up his end of the bargain and payed 15 dollars (mostly in quaters) but I was more excited about my braggging rights !!!

Since 7th grade, I have only really watched football occasionally- supporting the patriots of course (new england pride) until now.

My fiance's family is from pennsylvania and you know what that means - STEELERS BABY !!!! So I protested at first and said Im a Patriots fan but this season I followed the steelers more. Now I am all decked out in BLACK AND YELLOW and officially a steelers fan !  I have really enjoyed rootin them on with my future in-laws and dressing my son in his cute steerlers one-si !!!

So today is the superbowl and MY NEW TEAM (THE STEELERS ARE FACING THE PAKERS)
I went into work this morning (a little diner/grill) wearing my long-sleeve steelrs shirt, which my co-workers did not appreciate (packers fans) and they made me take it off.. We got to talkin and jokin around and I was given the option to take off my steelers shirt or go home, I WANTED TO LEAVE THEN AND THERE but hey GOTTA MAKE A LIIVING... n i told them we would talk after the game (in my most antagonistic tone) roottin for the steelers over here.

So now in preperation for the superbowl, we are grillin out in this beautiful weather, gettin the beers ready and gonnna have a blast..... im all decked out in black and yellow !!

So I guess the saying should say "you dont just marry your husband/wifes family, you marry their football team too !!  GO STEELERS !!!!!

checking back in after the game ! :)